Setsubun: Bean Throwing 節分:豆まき

Week 20: Setsubun: Bean Throwing

Setsubun: The Japanese Bean Throwing Festival is a traditional event marking the official beginning of spring, according to the Japanese lunar calendar. This Bean Throwing ceremonies are said to cast out demons and invite in happiness and good fortune. 

It is celebrated annually on February 2, 3 or 4th. Widely celebrated across Japan and is one of the favorite traditions of all Japanese children. 

Our dearest and ever supportive Principal dressed up as an oni (demon).

We are on our 3rd week practicing for our Year End Performance and I couldn't be any prouder! These children are amazing!

Language Exploration: Letter Rr


Our letter of the week is Rr. Rr is for rag, ram and ring.
今週はアルファベットの「Rr」について学びました。rag, ram, ringなどの頭文字です。


Morning Circle, Recess Time and Closing Circle:

Our Superstar this week!

Next week's letter is letter Ss.

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