Happy Valentines Day

Week 21: Happy Valentines Day

A day of flowers, candy and cards decorated with hearts is what Valentines is all about. It is a time to celebrate love and friendship and the joy of having other people in your life. 

Valentines Day is celebrated in many different ways all around the world.

In Japan, it is celebrated in a very unique style. It is the women who present gifts to men. There is a strong tradition of women giving chocolates to men on Valentines Day. There are two types of chocolates, "Giri-choco" (obligation chocolate), and "Honmei-choco." Giri-choco is meant to be for friends, colleagues, bosses and close male friends.

In Preschool 2, this is how we celebrated Valentines Day.

Preschool 2 students have worked so hard for the Year End Performance and for that they deserved some good play in the snow. As what the saying goes "Work Hard, Play Harder." 

Language Exploration: Letter Ss

Our letter of the week is Ss. Ss is for seal, seed and sip.


Morning Circle, Recess Time and Closing Circle:

Farewell Ms. Ebony - we will miss you dearly! 

We are so happy to meet Eli!!! 

3 Superstars this week!

Next week's letter is letter Tt.

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