Ocean Animals

Week 14: Ocean Animals


Learning about animals of all types, including those that love in the ocean is what Preschoolers love.

In the week’s lesson, students were able to identify which animals live in the sea and even shared their experiences in the aquarium.

It’s been an exciting and fun week for Preschool 2 since we get to learn more about the ocean animals. They learned that “Blue Whale is the biggest and loudest mammal in the world. We also measured the size of the Blue Whale that is about 100 ft. using a yarn.

The students really find it fun and exciting!

Language Exploration: Letter Ll

Our letter of the week is Ll. Ll is for lambladder and lock.

Math: In Math, we had a recap about the opposites and did some activity about patterns.

Morning Circle, Recess Time and Closing Circle:

It’s almost Winter Break! We are all excited for the Holiday. Next week, our focus letter is Mm and we will be talking about Winter Holiday - Christmas.

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