
Showing posts from January, 2019

Daily routine with new friend

Preschool 2 welcomed one more new friend, and they all have been helpful, teaching rules and daily routine.
Start practicing performance

2019 Happy New Year !!

Welcome back to school, Preschool 2!!  Happy to see you again! This term, we welcomed 2 new friends, and will start focusing on School Performance. Are you ready Preschool 2 ?  Let's get started ! How tall are you?  How heavy are you? You've gown up so much!! Now, we can help the teacher, clean up by ourselves, we can hang our jackets, and put our socks and shoes on without any help! We called it "Snow play", but actually it was more like  "Mud play".  Sorry Mommy, but we had so much fun! See you next week !