Stories We Tell - Nursery Rhymes
Week 16: Stories We Tell – Nursery Rhymes Happy New Year! あけましておめでとうございます! Back to School! We survived the first week! 冬休み明けの一週間を乗り切りました! For many teachers and students especially, getting back into the swing of things after the holiday break may be difficult. Everyone is used to in doing things whenever they want to, so the school day routine may be a bit hard to get adjusted again. For Preschool 2 students, it was something different as expected. To my surprised, they were all excited to be back to school and became more independent. ほとんどの子どもたちにとって、長いお休み明けに学校に戻ってくるのは難しいところでしょう。自分の好きなことを好きな時にすることに慣れていると、学校でのルーティーンにリズムを戻すことはなかなか難しいものです。P2クラスの子供たちに関して言うと、私が想像していたのとは少し状況が違いました。驚くことに、学校に戻ってきたことをとても喜んでおり、また、それぞれがお休み前よりも成長した姿を見せてくれました。 Apart from all the excitements and enthusiasm to be back to school, they were also very happy to welcome new students. Now our class is getting bigger and they’re gaining more friends. Next week, we will welcome one more student who came a...